Sandhill Crane Family
On June 8th, 2023, my husband and I were on a road trip to Reno, Nevada, when he spotted this beautiful Sandhill Crane family in Summer Lake, Oregon. They were in a field on a farm and were being chased and attacked by a Red-winged blackbird (which was pretty comical to see since it is so much smaller!)
What made this sighting extra special is that it was the whole family: parents and two babies! An adult Sandhill Crane is 36-48 inches tall (which is almost as tall as me!) and has a wingspan of 6-7 feet. The pair typically have 1-2 chicks and nest on the ground in marshes or wet meadows. The offspring will begin traveling from the nest with their parents just 24 hours after hatching. They will hang out with their parents for about 10 months.
I hope you enjoy my pictures of this beautiful family.
Sandhill Crane Family being chased by and Red-winged Blackbird
Sandhill Crane Pair
Sandhill Crane Family
Sandhill Crane Parent and Babies (“Colts” or “chicks”)